The All India House Price Index increased to 219.5 in the July-September period from 215.3 in the previous quarter mainly due to increase in the HPI of Delhi, Ahmedabad and Chennai, according to the Reserve Bank of India.
The HPI of Kolkata, Kochi and Bengaluru decreased in the July-September period from the previous quarter.
Year-on-year growth in HPI-All India further declined to 13.7 per cent in July-September (14.5 per cent in the previous quarter and 17.5 per cent in January-March 2015) mainly due to decline of y-o-y growth of HPI of Kolkata, Jaipur and Lucknow.
In July-September, maximum growth in HPI was in Delhi (21.9 per cent), and the minimum in Kochi (-7.2 per cent).
The Reserve Bank compiles quarterly HPI (base: 2010-11 = 100) for ten major cities — Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kanpur and Kochi.
Based on these city indices, an average house price index representing all-India house price movements is also compiled. These indices are based on the official data of property price transactions collected from registration authorities of respective State governments.