An army of drones could soon keep a watchfu eye over streets in the UK, re pairing things like potholes and busted street lamps, sci entists say. Researchers from the University of Leeds are leading a pioneering £4.2 mil lion national infrastructure research project with the vision of creating self-repai ring cities.
The project could soon see an army of drones that detec problems with infrastructu re as soon as they pop up, to prevent them developing into inconvenient roadworks or other larger repair projects Gizmag reported.
"We want to make Leeds the first city in the world to have zero disruption from street works," said Phil Purnell, professor at the university's school of civil engineering. "We can support infrast ructure which can be entirely maintained by robots and make the disruption caused by the constant digging up the road in our cities a thing of the past," Purnell said.
The researchers will initially develop new robot designs and technologies in three areas -"Perch and Repair", "Perceive and Patch" and "Fire and forget".
"Perch and Repair" aims to develop drones that can perch on structures like birds at height and perform repair tasks, such as repairing street lights. The second, "Perceive and Patch" will develop drones able to autonomously inspect, diagnose, repair and prevent potholes in roads.

"Fire and forget" aims to develop robots which will operate indefinitely within live utility pipes performing inspection, repair, metering and reporting tasks.
"Detecting faults and weaknesses early and then quickly performing smart repairs is the key ," said Rob Richardson, director of the National Facility for Innovative Robotic Systems at the university. "Our robots will undertake precision repairs and avoid the need for large construction vehicles in the heart of our cities. We will use the unique capabilities of our robotic facility to make new, more capable robots," Richardson said.
"The critical part of this project is being proactive rather than reactive," said Raul Fuentes, from the school of civil engineering.
The project could soon see an army of drones that detec problems with infrastructu re as soon as they pop up, to prevent them developing into inconvenient roadworks or other larger repair projects Gizmag reported.
"We want to make Leeds the first city in the world to have zero disruption from street works," said Phil Purnell, professor at the university's school of civil engineering. "We can support infrast ructure which can be entirely maintained by robots and make the disruption caused by the constant digging up the road in our cities a thing of the past," Purnell said.
The researchers will initially develop new robot designs and technologies in three areas -"Perch and Repair", "Perceive and Patch" and "Fire and forget".
"Perch and Repair" aims to develop drones that can perch on structures like birds at height and perform repair tasks, such as repairing street lights. The second, "Perceive and Patch" will develop drones able to autonomously inspect, diagnose, repair and prevent potholes in roads.
"Fire and forget" aims to develop robots which will operate indefinitely within live utility pipes performing inspection, repair, metering and reporting tasks.
"Detecting faults and weaknesses early and then quickly performing smart repairs is the key ," said Rob Richardson, director of the National Facility for Innovative Robotic Systems at the university. "Our robots will undertake precision repairs and avoid the need for large construction vehicles in the heart of our cities. We will use the unique capabilities of our robotic facility to make new, more capable robots," Richardson said.
"The critical part of this project is being proactive rather than reactive," said Raul Fuentes, from the school of civil engineering.