Friday, 6 November 2015

UK to monitor browsing history

 Internet companies in Britain will soon have to store details of every website visited by their customers over the previous year.

Broadband firms will have to hold basic details like schedule of which websites someone visits and the apps they connect to through computers, smartphones, tablets and other devices.

A draft investigatory powers bill announced by home secretary Theresa May on Tuesday revealed that in the past 12 months, six terrorist plots have been disrupted in the UK besides several plots overseas. May informed the House of Commons that 90% of large organizations suffered an information security breach last year. She said, " Adigital society presents us with challenges being exploited by serious and organised criminals, online fraudsters and terrorists. The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command estimate that there are 50,000 people downloading indecent images of children".

"This Bill will allow the police to identify which communication services a person or device has connected to - so called internet connection records. An Internet Connection Record is a record of the communications service that a person has used, not a record of every web page they have accessed," May added.
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