Sunday, 8 November 2015

Inclusive reforms will make life better, says PM

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday that India’s performance on all economic parameters, including inflation and foreign investments, was now better than when his government assumed office 17 months ago.
Speaking at the Delhi Economics Conclave 2015, Mr. Modi said his government planned to roll out inclusive reforms that would lead to better lives for people and not just better headlines in pink newspapers. “The question is reforms for what…is the aim just to achieve higher GDP growth rates or to bring about transformation of society…then the question is reforms for whom…to impress groups of experts or achieve higher ranks in international league tables…the answer is reforms which will help all citizens especially the poor…it should be sabka sath, sabka vikas …reform to transform.”
Image result for inclusive reforms will make life better says pm
His statement assumed significance as the ‘Gujarat Model’ had faced criticism for purportedly chasing growth to the exclusion of development. Mr. Modi said there was a whole eco-system focused on alleviating poverty, which could be called the “poverty alleviation industry.”
“Obviously the intentions are good…Well-designed schemes and subsidies do have an important place…But empowering the poor is far more effective than empowering the poverty alleviation industry,” Mr. Modi said, even as there were reports that the organisers, the Finance Ministry, had withdrawn, at the last minute, its invitation to the former member of the UPA government’s National Advisory Council Jean Dreze.


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