Sheroes Hangout, a city cafe managed by acid attack survivors which completed its first year recently, had a surprise visitor in UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav who came to the cafe on Sundaymorning. He spent around 20 minutes in the cafe and sought a 'wish-list' from the women about what they would like the administration to do for them.
Later, the CM announced that the government would provide them space at Shilpgram complex, located 500 metres from Taj's east gate, for shifting the cafe from its present location at Fatehabad road. The survivors said if that happens, they would get more visitors and would no longer be dependent on crowd funding to meet their expenses.
The CM also expressed his willingness to help them in opening similar cafes in Noida and Lucknow.
Yadav came to cafe around 10am and stayed there for 20 minutes. He enjoyed cold coffee and paid a bill of Rs 2,000. Yadav had a chat with each of the four acid attack survivors present at the cafe and sought to know about their well-being.
Yadav asked the mother-daughter duo, Geeta and Neetu, who are residents of Agra, to write a letter to his office for seeking Rs 3 lakh compensation the government has announced for acid attack survivors.